
Portrait Sessions Tier 1

The quality of the Portrait Session Tier 1 is reflected in the final images. With 2 hours to work with, you have ample time to explore different poses, backgrounds, and lighting setups, resulting in a diverse collection of high-quality photographs. The 10 final images included in the package are professionally retouched to ensure they meet the highest standards, enhancing the client's best features while maintaining a natural look.

The $450 price point strikes a balance between affordability and premium service. It's competitive and accessible to attract wide range of clients looking for high-quality portraits without being overly costly. This price includes a significant amount of photographer time and effort, from the session itself to the post-processing, editing and perfecting final images, making it a fair and accessible choice for many customers.

The inclusion of 2 outfit changes allows clients to experiment with different styles and themes during the session. This flexibility adds variety to the final images, enabling clients to get a mix of casual and formal portraits or explore different creative concepts. 

The extended 2-hour session also contributes to a positive client experience. It creates a relaxed environment, reducing stress and allowing clients to feel more at ease in front of the camera. This longer timeframe enables you to build rapport with the client, leading to more authentic and natural portraits.

Overall, the Portrait Session stands out for its blend of quality, affordability, and flexibility, making it an attractive option for clients seeking professional portrait photography.

$450.00 10 Final Images



Thank you for your interest in Adriel Michelle Studios! Whether you're looking to schedule a session, inquire about my services, or simply say hello, I'd love to hear from you.